In the camp of mobile games to direct imitation, plagiarism and impudent borrowing, they are calm. Than to have a pocket analogue Call of Duty, Colin Mcrae Rally or there Diablo 3? It happens, it comes to a funny. Dungeon Hunter 4 Just parodies the great and terrible “killer of the left mouse”. The authors did not wise with the elaboration of the original setting and suffer over the common gaming mechanics – in the game, if not everything in the world was done under the carbon car, then at least so “almost” that they had to constantly wipe their eyes and be given a diva. Sorry, this is still not a level Blizzard.
Happiness is not in money?
The game is very beautiful and technological. It is perfectly optimized and loads extremely quickly. To the technical side of execution Dungeon Hunter 4 There are no complaints. But the questions begin after meeting dialogs.
Well, they do not like to communicate literary here, what can you do Solid “now we’ll figure out what is happening there” or “I am not afraid of enemies – I have a super -smoke with recharging and lighting!” – and all in this spirit. In fact, this is a big trouble for almost all Hack’n’slash.
And since we touched on the topic of genre affiliation, the description of the combat system will now be very necessary and even very necessary. A large and convenient virtual button is responsible for the battle directly. We press it more often, dodge the enemies with the help of a joystick of movement and spend a blue special prison for special fibers. After a fight, we quickly collect gold and move on.
With the “pumping” of the character, things are painfully and primitive painfully. Skills with each new level rise automatically, and we only have the right to tinker with glasses of special skills.
We do not exclude that gatherings in the inventory with the selection of interesting equipment will delight you. Perhaps the insertion of runes in things will also give Dungeon Hunter 4 “Rolepley”. In some particularly rare specimens, it is allowed to cram up to three pebbles at once. That’s right – at once. But take them back-after some time or for a fee. “Freedia”, he is the most.
By the way, about the latter. The player will often offer to buy an interesting “gear” for crystals, but it will be too difficult to get a similar currency without real money. If the very possibility of real investments scares you, then Dungeon Hunter 4 – The game is not for you. To pass the plot campaign, never using the Donat, – a mockery of yourself. Already at the sixth level, the surrounding monsters will remind that there can be a lot of them, and free armor is unlikely to save. Here you would remember the saying about cheese and mousetrap, but you already understood everything correctly.
Mobile Diablo 3 did not happen. We are dealing with requiring monetary investments, moderately technological, but infinitely empty and inexpressive in terms of the gameplay parody.
Pros: spectacular battles with “meat”, blood and clang of metal;Good graphics.
Cons: The ubiquitous “Donat”;The plot does not intrigue once.